Order and financing
The client for the NORAH Study is Gemeinnützige Umwelthaus GmbH, a 100-% subsidiary of the Land of Hessen. The GmbH (limited company) runs the Umwelt- und Nachbarschaftshaus (Environment and Community Centre – UNH), an information centre for citizens in airport matters. The Umwelthaus is one of the three pillars of the Airport and Region Forum (ARF) – alongside the ARF Convent and the Expert Group on Active Noise Abatement.
One of the functions of the Umwelthaus is to prepare the various monitoring projects and investigations in relation to the airport in a technically neutral manner and to publish them.
Further information: www.umwelthaus.org
The execution of the NORAH Study cost a total of 9.85 million Euro. The bulk of these costs were borne by the Land of Hessen – some directly, some through the Gemeinnützige Umwelthaus GmbH as its subsidiary. Around 11.4 % of the budget was borne by the aviation companies Fraport AG and Lufthansa. In addition to this, 8 individual communities from the surrounding region were financially involved in NORAH as well as the Initiative Zukunft Rhein-Main [Initiative for the future of Rhine-Main] (28 communities are listed as members, further members are the BUND und Bündnis der Bürgerinitiativen [Federation of Citizens' Initiatives]). They were engaged because it is also of great interest to them to receive reliable data on the impact of aviation noise.
| Financing [EUR] | Proportion [%] |
Land of Hessen: | 4 million | 40,6 |
Communities: | 216.000 | 2,19 |
Fraport: | 1 million | 10,15 |
Lufthansa: | 120.000 | 1,2 |
UNH: | 4,52 million | 45,86 |